Missing Persons

Missing person

Locate Any Missing Person

Skip Tracking or tracing is the process of tracking a person who is challenging to locate. Most times, the person owes a significant debt to a law firm, debt collection agency, or even another person. To avoid paying the fees, they can be elusive and go “off the grid.”

Whether you’re looking to have papers served or you’re looking for a long-lost loved one, Tracy Investigations is available to locate anyone nationwide. 

Contact Us Today!

7463 142nd St Ct

Apple Valley MN 55124 -8587

Give Us A Call Today!

Phone: (612) 423-4236

Send Us A Direct Email


Monday to Sunday

12:00 to 9:00pm

What We Obtain

During our service, Tracy Investigations obtains current and previous phone numbers, current address, employer address, social security number, family members’ addresses that they make their home while hiding. We’ll get any necessary information so that the person who owes the debt can be found. 

Tracking Needs

When you work with Tracy Investigations, rest assured you’ll have access to the most innovative and efficient tracking services in the nation. We work hard to provide the most streamless debt recovery process possible during this stressful time. If someone owes you a debt and has disappeared, Tracy Investigations will be sure to find and contact them for repayment. 

If you want your old debt resolved today

Call us (612) 423-4236

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